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How to Gain Confidence to Sing Onstage.


As an Actress, Singer and Dancer on stages for years who previously had Stage Fright, I think I can help answer a few questions about facing fear and anxiety. Performing may seem like a task only made by super humans, who seemingly get on stage and don't show any fear and seem to be having a great time. Well, there's your first remedy.  Let's get to it.

1.  Try to have fun.

Just go with it!  You can only be as good as you are.  Or wait can you?  Well, that tip is down below.  First things first.  You've got to have the guts to do it.  Don't forget performing is fun.  Anything that's exhilarating is a little nerve-wracking at first, but ultimately it's something you'll have fun doing.  Anything that we're having fun doing is typically exciting with a touch of fear, but fairly easy to do, right? It's just those first times that throw you for a loop. Just try to live in this excitement, embrace the fear and then enjoy the...

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