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I wrote this course because I'm a full-time performer who had Stage Fright and anxiety myself. After facing it nightly, in the show I was in, I not only learned how to cope, but I eventually figured out what was causing my stage fright. It made so much sense that the Stage Fright turned off, and it never returned. I had connected with it, understood it, and it was gone. Since then, I have told many people how to combat their Stage Fright through my proven coping processes, learning what causes it, and making the mindset changes necessary to eliminate all that anxiety.  

With a Master's degree in Education, I felt motivated to help people with Stage Fright from my own experience. This course enables you to find the reasons for YOUR Stage Fright, and combat them, so you can start to do things you want to do without fear and anxiety holding you back from them.

It's my opinion that our thoughts and attitudes, and even habits can be causes of stage fright. I've created easy-to-use tools, formulas, workbooks, and assessments that help you learn about your own beliefs and build the skills to combat stage fright. As a bonus, I've included My preparedness guide for you to download and use each time you perform.

The course is always available to you in your library of products at And, yes, there is an app for that! You can access your courses on the app, on your phone, computer or tablet. You can watch the videos or read the text; it's your preference and makes it easier to accomplish. You can always come back to the course for a refresher because it remains in your library.

I believe Stage Fright is brought on by one's level of preparedness, fear of what others think, and the pressure we place on ourselves to be the best (perfectionism). My program takes you through all these probabilities and the solutions.

I hope my techniques save you years of discomfort and get you back to doing the things you love to do!

Please contact [email protected] for more information about the course.

Dream, Dare and Do it!

Coty Alexander

 [ Disclaimer. The Stage Fright Combat Course was created based on my own personal experience with Stagefright. I figured out how to combat it, and I hope to help others from my personal experience. ]
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